Worldview & How it is Shaped
Worldview (n.)
a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world
In a world of pandemics, presidential elections, social unrest, and opinions being thrown out left and right by anyone and everyone, the concept of “worldview” has been somewhat of a buzzword-topic over the last few months. I think the days of being able to “not have an opinion” or “just not be caught up with the news” are long past, as we are constantly confronted with it through social media platforms, the news, and even conversations with friends and family. While I say this bold and seemingly simple statement, please know that as an Enneagram 9 (the Peacemaker if you are familiar with the personality types), interacting with this seemingly perpetual state of societal conflict has been anything but easy. I understand the draw of a lack of participation and just “not getting involved”. However, in this season of loudly vocalized opinions and perspectives, I feel strongly that we as Christians are specifically called to action to not be lukewarm, but instead be discerning, thoughtful, and intentional about how we are:
1) Interpreting information
2) Forming opinions on the world around us
3) Seeking God’s perspective above our own
Not everyone is called to be a motivational speaker or activist, but as members of the kingdom of God, we all are called to be aware and intentional about the state of our own heart and how that impacts the way we interact with God’s world and God’s people.
“We as Christians are called to be
discerning, thoughtful, and intentional
about how we interpret information
and form opinions.”
When starting the research behind writing this article, the first thing that I did was simply google the word “worldview.” Here’s what I found: “a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world” (Oxford Languages). This definition struck me as particularly interesting because as a gal working on her BA in Psychology, perspective on life and the ways in which manipulating perspective can specifically shape the way you interpret your life is a major topic of discussion. Let me tell you friends - perspective and worldview run hand in hand.
Simply put, worldview encompasses quite a few things, including:
Your opinion of the world
Your interpretation of the events occurring either directly in your life or in the world around you
Your reaction to the world around you
As you might already be thinking, worldview is a very broad concept, and one that is a very distinctive factor in making you, you! It has a huge role in shaping your personality, because it encompasses the way that you interpret the world around you, which has an impact on every area of your life. Every morning when you react to the influx of information and updates you see scrolling on your phone, your worldview is subconsciously influencing your emotional response to what you are intellectually digesting.
“The way we view the world directly
impacts the way we interact with the world.”
In our identity as children of God, we are specifically called to interact with the world gently, patiently, and lovingly.
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” James 1:19-21
As I have mentioned already in this post, worldview (and perspective synonymously) is something that is not accidentally formed. It is something that specific things contribute to and intentional actions and mindset shifts can change.
Some of the things that shape worldview include:
Daily practices
Social interactions
It is a Holy call-to-action for us to be active about the manner in which we engage with the world, and the way we view it. With this in mind, as we continue throughout this series on “worldview,” we will be giving you a look on what defines a Biblical Worldview, strategies to build your worldview on the foundation of Biblical truths, and tools to apply to everyday life to continue to foster it.